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Question asked by grandson

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BAKERS DOZEN | 23:37 Sun 06th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Grandma - "if you can be ruthless then can you have ruth? If you can be uncouth then can you be couth?" Any replies welcomed.


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If you can masterbate can you missterbate (it is after the 9pm watershed)
Question Author
My husband is a Master Baker so what does that make my son?
well if he ever turned out to be gay, a cream puff?

Sorry about that, Bakers? I am sure he won't.........
ruth is "Sorrow for the misery of another; compassion; pity; mercy; tenderness."

couth is "Marked by or possessing a high degree of sophistication; cultured, refined."

So, yes and yes.
Yep Media URL:
there must be countless baking puns...

Do you know that they have more bakeries here in Redruth and Camborne than anywhere else in the UK, Bakers?.....
They are all "in-bread"
Question Author
DT - he is the father of the grandson so ok on that one.

Dr b - I know they exist but you just don't hear them used. Have you ever heard of anyone having ruth?
my mate had Ruth behind the bike shed.....several times
Someone had Ruth in the B book
I though that Rigsby, in Rising Damp, spent much of his time hoping to have Ruth ;-)
Question Author
DT - my daughter once walked into her office and heard the end of a conversation when one of the girls said someone was "interbred". Helpful daughter said "my dad's into bread. What do you want to know?" LOL
Hi BD and all, good question, I have often wondered similarly about gorm . I have plenty !
Question Author
Yes flump1 - we must all have it as we'd never admit to being gormless would we?
Ruth means pity, compassion or repentance.
Couth means refined, familiar or known.
Gorm may refer to: Gorm the Old, a Danish king; Gorm (computing), a rapid application development tool; Gorm, Grails (Framework) object-relational mapping.

Any the wiser?
Question Author
DT - too late at night to absorb all that.
Yep - time for the flour sack, me thinks.......

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Question asked by grandson

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