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fliptheswitch | 14:28 Mon 07th Nov 2011 | How it Works
13 Answers
I can't, for some reason, open Ebay.
Every other site I use is opening fine, but whenever I try and get on FleaBay, it says "Google Chrome could not find".

Any ideas why this may be? Thanks :-)


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I've just got straight in using Chrome
working fine on Firefox?
What happens if you click on this link
Why do you call it "Fleabay"?
Question Author
Arghh. How annoying!

Same thing happens if I open it using that link. Just says "Oops! Google Chrome could not find"

The powers that be want to stop you spending.

I put it down to their server, not necessarily Ebay, but it is annoying.
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Just tried on another computer, and it says the same.
Also tried using Firefox (on lappy) and it says

Server not found
Firefox can't find the server at
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Lol Alba. I need to go on there, desperately. If I don't get on there by 3, the item I need by tomorrow, won't be here by tomorrow!
go in via google
Flip, did you get the item? (I hope so)
try clearing the browsing data. If your on chrome, go to the spanner symbol up on the right hand corner, click options then go to 'under the hood' and click 'clear browsing data' under the privacy tag.
Question Author
Sorry for the delay. It appears to be all working now. Thanks for your suggestions.

No, didn't get the item :( Now need to go out in search of an evacuee suitcase, tomorrow! Hmmm...

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