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Gentlemens' Clubs ... ??

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joggerjayne | 21:18 Tue 08th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
What's the point of them nowadays?

Are they like The Drones in Jeeves and Wooster?


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Are you referring to that one in Old Steine, cos you know perfectly well what the point of THAT one is................
Question Author
neti ...

You mean the one as you cross the road from the Pavillion, with the picture of the ...

Err, I think I can guess that one.

I wonder if anyone's ever gone in there looking for an actual "massage" ... like for a knee injury or something, ha ha.
I didn't have time this visit to see it, but am over again in May and will stand outside and glare at them!!!!
Question Author
It doesn't have any windows!

Does that suggest that there are "less than gentlemanly" things going on?

Also, it's only about two minutes walk from Legend's ... which is handy.
What is Legends?
you mean like spearmint rhino?
Question Author
Legends is a gay hotel, bar and club on the front, just round the corner from "that" gentlemens' establishment.


It's actually quite jolly.
Question Author
em ...

There'sa place like thaton East Street.

The one on the Old Steine is a bit more "oily massage" I think.
Looks like a nice place, can normal people stay there?
Uh oh! Netibiza, you said 'normal'...tick, tick, tick......
All people, no matter what their sexual orientation, are normal neti.......what would make you think they are not?.......hopefully you meant to say heterosexual's eh?.

Legends is a good fun lively hotel with a bar and club that caters for the gay community.
....go Yogi ..... =)
Question Author
But, if you're not gay, they don't throw you out or anything.

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Gentlemens' Clubs ... ??

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