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secret ABers...who are your mates!

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joko | 20:44 Wed 09th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
what would you do if you went round to a mate or neighbours house and noticed they were logged into AB under the name of someone on here...?

perhaps someone you rowed a lot with and didnt like...?

or someone who trolls a lot?

or someone with generally offensive views?

would you let on who you were?



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I was once doing some supply teaching at a school for a few weeks and noticed that one of the teaching staff (may have been a TA rather than a teacher, I'm not sure) was always quietly working on Answerbank early in the morning and occasionally at lunchtimes to help him with his crosswords. I couldn't tell whether he was posting or just referring to to it for answers.
I was an AB regular myself at the time and regret not digging a bit to see whether he was a member.
I have a mental image of some ABers and often wonder if I have met them at some stage. For example buildersmate seems like someone I've met before at work.
Don't think I'd say anything!.......nothing to be gained by it, especially if it's someone I don't really get along with on AB!.........
I'd play little mind games with them.

I'd just drop the odd dubious comment that related to them on here and watch them squirm.
I'd have fun with it I think... maybe leading them to believe I was someone else they knew...maybe a boss

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secret ABers...who are your mates!

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