I have just had my friend on the phone. She was upset and said shes just had a car accident. Only a minor bump fortunately. She was driving past a very busy shop that has a junction opposite and the road is always quite snarled up there. So from what she tells me I think a car had stopped to let someone go and she was coming the other way and either didnt see this person edging out or did and chose not to stop. They ended up colliding and he shouted at her saying she had hit his car and he was going to call the police. he didnt at the time and they exchanged details but does she now have to report this and if so who to? The police or insurance company?
insurance co -if no one hurt, no need for the police? However it is adviseable to report if, given speed/impact, there is a chance of whiplash on any party.....
If she had right of way, which I interpret from your description, the other driver should be more concerned about moving out into her path, rather than calling the police. Yes insurers should be told, but often they are not for minor stuff. That said, probably best to play safe and do the right thing.
I disagree, you have a duty in the small print of your policy to report any potential claim - and it sounds as if the third party might do just that. Not reporting can get you into trouble - and you can always contact the company and say no claim is arising, if that proves to be the case. We've done that - no problem.
perhaps but in reality they shaft you financially for being unlucky. Never ever ever ever tell them unless you absolutely have to. In the past I have written to DVLA ang obtained the details of the person at fault and then written to to their insurer. It's not a legal requirement just their admin preferences.
Im with you kayless,
telling your own company(unless you have a watertight claim) opens up a can of worms, better to wait and see if he claims off you.
Once you have logged a claim with your own insurance company it can quite often result in your no claims discount being put on hold until such time as its resolved and liability established,it can be a pain if your policy is due for renewal.
When someone rants and raves like that it can hide a hidden agenda , i wonder if his details are correct ?
Have you checked his reg on MID to see if hes insured ??
I think that those "No, don't let your insurance company know" wallahs will find that you are legally bound under the terms of your insurance to inform your insurers of ANY incidents involving the insured vehicle or else you would invalidate your cover.
I would be loathe to involve the insurance company unless the damage is serious. If it's going to be less to repair than the loss of your no claims and excess, then it can be better just to get it fixed.
In view of the circumstances though, it does sound as though the other drive was at fault. Your friend has right of way, and if another driver positions his car in her path, then that it is his fault in law.
No need to involve the police though - but it is a matter of circumstances as to whether she pursues it with her insurance company or not.
I work in a bodyshop dealing with insurance claims and a majority are done through accident managment or non fault companies, i have never heard of anyone having their cover invadilated...
Thanks guys, I will tell her. It was a Polish guy she said who had a Polish licence, dont know if that would make any difference! I guess he had no idea what he was talking about when he told her he was going to report her. She did have right of way just to clarify, he was pulling out of the shop.
He may well not even have had insurance then Tigwig? It's surprising how many people drive without insurance (like my Asian neighbour whose never even passed a test!). I'll bet your friend probably hears nothing more.
I was hit up the back when I stopped at a zebra crossing once. The man begged me not to go through the insurance and he said he'd pay cash for my broken light clusters. He coughed up £80 there and then - so I drove home and fitted a spare pair I had!
I remember sitting at lights in Charlton in London when a car stopped next to me to turn right. After a few seconds another car smashed into the back of that car wrecking the front and back of both. The two drivers looked at each other until the lights turned green - then one turned right and the other kept straight on!
Obviously no insurance again. I'll bet this Polish man had none either.