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Andy008 | 00:14 Wed 02nd Nov 2005 | Phrases & Sayings
8 Answers

"if you go to a barber's often enough, you'll end up getting your hair cut"

What does this phrase mean?



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If you play with fire, you will get burned.

If you eat cheese, cheese is eaten

"Wise is the Man who knows"
"Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life."
Octavius - possibly the funiest thing I've read on this site. One of my colleagues fell on the floor as I read it out though laughter-induced tears.
Ah BigMac, then you might enjoy something by the originator: Terry Pratchett, particularly the Discworld series.
Sorry, Octavius. Tried several a few years ago and Pratchett just didn't do anything for me - particularly the Discworld series. Might have another look, though.
The only other time I've heard this phrase was when it was used by Paul Merson, the (ex) Arsenal footballer. He was talking about being surrounded by temptation, and becoming addicted to gambling and drinking. I'd always assumed that he made it up, but maybe not.

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