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Night night song from Mamya♥

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Mamyalynne | 00:57 Fri 11th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
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Revolting band. Excellent song.........
Lovely song. I hate what this man has become.

For Stanislao..........
For my Dad...........
Sorry Sir Alec, popped off for a bit. Not too good actually as finding all the Christmas chat and ads on tv a bit upsetting and have been having a very teary day. I miss my Gary so much and it's just making it worse and not sure how I'm going to cope. Anyway just started me off again thinking about it so going to go to bed and try and get some sleep. Going to see the GP next week for a chat.

I do hope all is well with you and Dad settles ok. Take care. xx
Take care yourself, Jan. I know how you feel. When my Mum died, it took me 3 days to write all the Christmas cards, putting a mini letter in each so that everyone knew she'd passed. It was awful. Plus all the phone calls. Nightmare!
I don't think I will be doing Christmas cards this year as I can't bring myself to write them without Gary's name as well. The way I feel at the moment I would just like to shut myself away until it's all over! Must go now and try to get some sleep. Night night. xx
Night night, Jan. Sleep well........wishful thinking.
Could be wrong, but I don't think so...........
Thank God, yes I'm free, due to the lack of a controlling man.........
For Arnold............
Cole Porter will be turning in his grave. I think this is a great version!
I never tire of this........
Sexy b u g g e r wasn't he?
For Mum. I prefer this to the original.........
Sorry but I'm very fond of this.............
Ooh, yummy!
Off now, night all! There's a Clive Barker book waiting for me...........
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Night night song from Mamya♥

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