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MJFan101 | 16:18 Fri 11th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
What can you do to get the experimental probability to be closer to the theoretical probability?


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eat it
-- answer removed --
Do it lots and lots of times
Tonight there is a probability that I will attended my friends daughter's wedding reception, Theoretically there is every possibility I might experimentally & every possibility I have the ability to possibility to get Izzed, but there again, if the Possibility that I theoretically & experimentally will survive with a possibility of getting a blinding probably head ache, there is a possibility that I will probably experiment with the theoretically that there is every possibility that its probably a bad experimentally bad Idea.
Yes, as Prudie says, run the experiement more times
You can do simulations on this site- eg you can toss a coin 10 times, 100 times... 1 million times
Fiddle the results.

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