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albaqwerty | 22:04 Fri 11th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Oh you teaser you x

Evening TTFN nice to see you, hope all is getting better x or at least stable xx


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Hi Albs, you look nice tonight, slurp, drool.
has our beloved ttfn been a little unwell? Hadn't heard that....

hope you are feeling more up to it, ttfn.
I believe she was under the weather but on the mend now since I sent her some of my tablets I use on my sheep.
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albs is closing her dressing gown, down want to get meself too excited :)

DT haven't seen ttfn posting for a whiile so was hoping it was due to poorliness
Albs dont worry about closing your dressing gown , close yer curtains as well.
I'm pleased to see ttfn too, we've missed her.
I think I know what you mean, alba ;) ROFL xx

Evening Moony, mwah

Cheers DT - still somewhat under the weather but still trying!
look after yourself.....
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including JJ as Jayne lives on a seafront? ooops she's female.
As if, red. Cannot remember the last time I went to the beach - not since Dunkirk I believe ;)

How do, boxy
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ttfn {hugs} I klnow you don't go for that kinda thing but tough xxx

ps better to be under the weather than under .oo..... :D
Thanks albs - heaven forfend I had computer trouble LOL
Hi ttfn was thinking about you today wondering where you were, also Dottie missed her also.

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