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There is a purpose for this! xx

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Zammo | 07:08 Sat 12th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Top tip from the kitchen - if you have to shallow fry aubergines at a very high heat then wear sunglasses. I did it last night, might have looked like a right plank but safety first. It is probably one of the only time sunglasses are acceptable indoors. Anyway, when was the last time you improvised and used something but not for its actual purpose? I know my friend used a hairdryer to defrost his freezer...mad man!!!


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I use the hoover to clean the patio....shhh. =)
it's a tried and tested method to speed up the process of defrosting by using a hairdryer, as long as it's at a reasonable distance, not inside obviously otherwise you might find things go bang. I have worn glasses in doors, don't need them apart from reading, when cooking, saves ending up at Moorfields.
Garlic press as a jar and bottle's a very large aluminium press, the metal dulled and roughened by years of dishwasher.Place handles either side of the jar lid, squeeze and turn.
I use the floor for a wardrobe ;)
Haha I like that one Evian..
Wooden kebab sticks to get the congealed hair etc out of the shower drain, lovely job! Cocktail sticks are essential for cooker cleaning, get the grease out of nooks and crannies otherwise inaccessible.
I use a make-up brush and dental mirror for cleaning hard to reach parts of the inside of my PC and other electrical appliances.
hairdryers make for very good barbecue and fire lighters.
An old toothbrush cleans multi-blade razors and you can rub along the length. Could use current brush if you wanted I suppose?
Wash my hands with a stainless steel spoon under cold water after peeling onions and garlic.
old toothbrush to clean those hard to get at places in the bathroom, inbetween the tiles

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There is a purpose for this! xx

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