yes - first of all I would need to see your stance - assuming you are standing square, your head over the ball (and it stays over the ball), your cue set parallel to the direction you want to hit the cue ball towards the object ball (a common error) - then watch John Higgins - his head is over the ball when the struck ball is entering the pocket!
Then you have a choice - hit the object ball a tad under centre to stop it, a little deeper to stun it, or go through about a quarter up to back-screw it.
Now with your head down, try letting the cue go sliding "straight through" the ball - do not let the cue stop or you will "stab" the ball and put wrong spin on it, the biggest error at snooker.
Snooker is like any racket sport or golf, you have to let your weapon run right through and let it complete the swing, otherwise chickening out causes the wrong swing.
I am assuming that you are a "beginner" - if you aren't my apologies. I did play this game to a pretty good competitive level.......