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well known sayings and expressions

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honey01 | 13:09 Wed 16th Nov 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
1. an a.n.f.f.f.the t., 2. d.u. the a.c., 3. the d., 4. it's all g.p.s.,
5. k.t.b. with o.s., 6. l. a r.r. to a b., 7. t.m.t.o.w. to s. a c., 8. t.s. to the w., 9. t. the h.l.o. a d., 10. s.c.,


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8 two sheets to the wind
it's all gone pear shaped 4)
8. * three even
2. don't upset the apple cart
like a red rag to a bull 6)
there's more than one way to skin a cat 7)
Regarding Q8, this came up recently on another quiz and many of us thought the expression was 3 sheets to the wind but found out after some research that "2 sheets to the wind" was common too
9 Talk the hind legs off a donkey
ok, I reckon I could still make work the next day If i was only 'two-sheets' the previous night ;)
10 wolf in sheep's clothing
is this a quiz, if so can i have the details please to send for it
Question Author
many thanks for all you're help two left to do the quiz is a local one in okehampton devon if you want the address to send for it email me at [email protected] and i will give you the address it has to be in by 31st dec.2011 i don't know if i should give out people's addresses on this site !!!!!!!!

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well known sayings and expressions

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