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why do i bother?

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firewatch | 15:50 Thu 17th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Tidying up?? Just hoovered and dusted my living room and put madams toys away and shes just emptied her toy box on the floor and my husbands walked muck in from outside. grrrrr hubby has been told to hoover it up btw.
Honestly its like shovelling snow in a snow storm!!Ah well better go do teh kitchen then the bathroom


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i'd lock her in the toybox and kick the hubby out :-)
A woman's work is never done.
Why do husbands do it?
they do it because they can :(

However, they do do it so well :D
why do husbands...
I often ask myself the same question...
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well i have just popped out to offer some advice on the car and location of bolts to remove the bumper. im still in my jim jams as im cleaning i see no point in changing to spoil nice clothes with bleach etc. so hes just moaned at me for not bieng dressed in front the neighbours, im wearing sensible pjs so whats the problem???? mis tidiead her toys away now, so shes been good, going back up stairs now to vac and dust the bedrooms...
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lol, its the only way to keep warm doing the clenaing, bathroom done just the bedrooms to sort but need to start thinking about food.
I admire your housekeeping skills which I sadly lack... :-(
I don't understand this talk of cleaning, or mucky husbands.
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oh im not normally this tidy but it gets to a point where it mus be done lol

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why do i bother?

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