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Aldi Biscuits

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micmak | 19:19 Thu 17th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Finally found them today. I think they are okay but nothing special. At 99p for 8 they're not cheap. Since Netto closed the Aldi I go to is very busy. Just an observation.


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Why are you bothering to buy them if they aren't cheap and aren't special? Or did you have to buy them to find out?
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They were recommended as "The best biscuits ever" so we tried them, why be so rude.
Where has Mosaic been rude? Not everyone is aware of your previous biscuit threads...
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Snags, we buy what we want, when we want it. Price is never taken in to consideration. Mosaic in my opinion suggested we only buy cheap. We don't. If I have misunderstood I apologise.
I take no offence. Am perfickly capable of rude.
Just biscuit-baffled here. Crumbs! make your own if its an issue. You don't want to know what's in them packet ones.
Our Aldi is really busy all the time now - sometimes it is a struggle to get a parking space (well, a parking space that I can park in).
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Thanks for that Mosaic and no, I don't want to know what's in the packet ones.
Sher What do you drive? Ah I remember now A large family car.
Hi Micmak - yes it's a big car but I am also pants at parking (the car's got sliding doors which is good or I would probably need two parking spaces).
Which biscuits are they micmak? I like several ones sold at Aldi?

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Aldi Biscuits

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