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Morning lovely AB people

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venator | 05:56 Fri 18th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
Been up since 4 baking a shipping order.

Off to an antiques fair at 10 - Mrs V needs retail therapy...

Your plans for the day?


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Morning all, a quick dive in and out before I go to work - long day ahead as I have a couple of days off next week - long weekend - so have to catch up first. So good to see you back, wbm - and Yorkie, with a smile, too!
Helen - <Welshy who is good but not as good as you!> I know that but I did try my best until the snitch bitch came along. And, no, of course I didn't mind it was after all the story of your dad that gave me hope.

Boaty - Check Wednesday morning's Morning All thread. Once again - welcome home

Time to go so......

Have a good day y'all and, if you have one, may your god go with you
..bye Welshy', I asked God to go in my stead...but no reply. Oh well, I expect he is busy just now. =)

I'll get smited for that!!
Good Morning to you everybody early peeps =)

So glad to read this mornings postings from WBM and WelshY. It's so much nicer to read positive and dare I say uplifting postings than the nasty bile filled arguments that at times prevail on this site. More of these please.

Hope you all have a great day.
Good morning all, nice pleasant morning here in Notts. We're both off to the dentist today, just for a check up, so hopefully nothing to painful. Afterwards a bit of shopping again and hopefully a pub lunch but its amazing, when I drive we always have time for lunch but when it's Trish's turn to drive we we don't.
Late entry, Fao Boaty, Welcome back mate. Excuse the av I can't seem to change it for some reason.

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Morning lovely AB people

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