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rt 47 wordfinder

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fireflybob | 20:50 Wed 19th Nov 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
Did anyone get the Wordfinder for Radio Times 47. Did the crossword but am away so not got letters to hand!

Thanks for any help


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Letters were NSATEDARDT and, as far as I am aware, no-one has solved it. Some think it is a misprint, and would have been Eastenders. Guess we are going to have to wait another couple of weeks when they should publish the answer.
Very pleased to see your post as I am struggling with it tonight.
I have exactly the same letters as you do, but cannot get it to make anything.
Can you help me with the last clue, please and explain the answer to me ?
21d Vehicle returns in the dark, naturally (4) T?N?
Is it TANK ? If so, why ?
Question Author
Its between "dark" and "naturally" - "returens" = backwards so KNAT becomes TANK!

Think they have made an error on the Wordfinder!
Thanks very much, fireflybob...I really struggle with the cryptics..
Land Girls

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rt 47 wordfinder

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