Hypnoband... its helping a bit but not as much as I hoped I don't think it was worth the money... hypnotherapy of the conventional kind is sometimes as effective
Sounds to me to be a post-hypnotic suggestion method. I've no experience of it, and it may work, but I don't think I'd suggest it in preference to getting used to a healthy diet naturally. But it may be worth a shot prior to major surgery options.
As rowanwitch says, conventional hypnopherapy is worth a shot too. Although it is there to aid your own willpower, not replace it.
There is a method of Hypnotherapy called "Gastric Band Hypnotherapy".Think it's just a buzz word to draw people into believing the effects will be the same as having a Gastric Band so you will only be able to eat smaller portions after. I presume this is what Nelly is referring to.
To some extent the hypnoband works in that if I eat too much I am sick... but it hasn't helped with feelings of hunger so I'd probably not recommend it