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Who is the owner?

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TWR | 17:42 Sat 19th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
Who is the owner of The Answer bank? How is it financed? am I permitted to ask these questions without the threat of getting barred?


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Back button not been working since Thursday afternoon and no-one has
come on here and apologised or said how soon it will be fixed. If it's just
a rogue advert why can't it be sorted [it's been sorted a lot quicker before]
The problem only seems to be on this site, so someone at AB towers [or what
ever you call it] should be able to rectify it.
Possibly, jno.
And a translation of the Wicksteed Park lake scrolls.........!
Okay............I'll fess up...............I own it.
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Not realy Red, I'm becoming like some of you thats part of the site, but it all helps, I usualy use Rag worm?
Back button works for me cupid.
Back button works for me on IE, Firefox, Opera and Chrome.
cupid, the Ed's said they're working on it. But I shouldn't imagine he knows when it will be fixed

yeah, like wot bednobs says
Cupid, I don't really see why anyone needs to apologise, a back button not working isn't the end of the world and the Ed has addressed the matter and said they are trying to resolve it. Perhaps it's not possible to say how long it will take. Baring in mind nobody pays to use this site, I can't see where the complaint is really.
Oh there is plenty out there on the Co - if you know where to look....I subscribe to one of these "info" companies, for various research projects that I undertake. The one I have seen data on AB is an annual statement retrieval and credit database but it would be injudicious to share that.

There is an AB Official Secrets Act, I think, policed by the red button.
You expect an apology from a free site? If you were paying, I could, just a tad, understand your point.
I don't understand your gripe, cupid - Ed says he's working on it, and I hardly ever use the back button on this site anyway. There have been worse things wrong over the years but they always get sorted.
Why did none of the published replies answer your question?
Did you not see the links given on page 1, Hedgebeater?
there have been lots of replies. Try clicking on the links.

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