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Any help with these calls chuck

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Psybbo | 20:39 Fri 25th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Numerous calls from Kevin, an aggresive one from a woman about ppi who insisted I was due money back and if i wasn't interested I should give it to charity


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Its a scam sibton, just don't answer the 'phone, or..... say you can't hear them/understand them and hang up.
21:15 Fri 25th Nov 2011
I have had numerous loans in past years, but have thrown all the agreements away. can these people find out if you had loans with ppi, or are they just assuming that everyone has had a loan in the last 6 years? i had a text from??? who said £3500 was waiting for me. can this be true or are they just scamming?
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atn chuckfiggins
should i have sai
just hang up on them
Its all fishing expeditions, like the calls I get that say they are returning my call regarding an accident I had which I never had. I am past being polite now and I tell them to go and fornicate themselves. The best one I ever had was the guy who I cut off halfway through and told him to go away then hung up. he actually phoned me back and said "I hadn't finished"
Tell them to take 'an orgasmal walk':-)
Its a scam sibton, just don't answer the 'phone, or..... say you can't hear them/understand them and hang up.
when they ask for "mrs bednobs" i just say "i'll go and get her" then put the reciever down on the side still connected while i get on with my day. They are then paying for the call till they get bored and hang up. It gives me a small measure of satisfaction
you can also have fun with a list of questions - such as

what is your name
can you spell that
where are you calling from
have you always lived in that area
do you have a family there too
sorry - your name was - I've forgotten already

etc etc
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Thank vou for the answers, I was hoping for a way to bar them but now after your answers I'll have some fun

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Any help with these calls chuck

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