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Meatloaf and Steinam at their best.

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micmak | 00:01 Sun 27th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers


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Typo. Steinman
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And this is a close second.

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What about I'll kill you if you don't some back. Another favourite of mine.
Na for life imatating art its got to be objects in the rear view mirror, that song makes me cry each time. Also metalica one, i can remember it being one of the first music vids i can remmeber and when ever it come son it gets put on loud n proud lolx
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Went to see Meatloaf at the Hammersmith Apollo years ago. What a showman he was/is. One of the best gigs I ever went to.
Pete do do a link
1 go to you tube and find your song
2 High light it in the address bar right click and in the drop down menu click copy
3 come back to AB and open the answer box
4 either go into the enter your you tube link and paste your link or write your text in the answer box and then paste your link into it
that should do it
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Another brilliant original, far better than the Byrds copy.

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Steinman on his own was none too shabby.

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Meatloaf and Steinam at their best.

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