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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 07:16 Sun 27th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Sunday morning and it's blowing an 'ooligan! That's one disadvantage of living at the top of a hill. But the advantages far outweigh that!

Have a happy day everyone.


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Morning all - just back home via Edinburgh airport, a good experience! - and on the seasonal front, we dind't go, but they switched our Light on last night - not exactly stunning, but it's an attempt.
Morning all from the windy southern shires, I'm intending to do as little as possible today, have a good 'un everyone xx
Windy here too on the corner of Kent - me neither, bensmum, it's an indoor day before I go back to work tomorrow!
Good morning to all ABers, sorry to have to report that it's a clear, well almost clear, blue sky here in the eastern shires with a moderate wind. Still uncommonly warm for the time of year though.

Just back home after celebrating sister's 70th birthday, good do but 70, that's getting old, so glad that I'm MUCH younger than her!
My sister's older than that, jd, so don't fret - and she's still in the gym, still full of vigour!
Good morning.
good morning from Edinburgh...seems to be a popular place this morning ?...the wind has died down and I think we may have a reasonable day here, although expect snow Thursday...this time last year we were knee deep in the stuff .....finish writing xmas cards and just MIGHT get some washing out ?
Murraymints, we were up in Scotland last week - watching the snow moving down on the weather forecast..... we were awakened on Friday morning by a heavy but short hailstorm at 4am.. "time to be heading back down south"!
Morning all.

I was up rather early this morning all baking cakes. The smell is heavenly. :-)
morning all. I had no plans but I've decided to go to NoMercy's.
Boxy...yes we have already had some hail...too wet for anything to the moment......touch wood..hope we don't get another like the last two years...was snowed indoors for 3 days..literally could not open either front or back door..frozen solid.....
hi wbm and all
clear and dry here at the mo
You're more than welcome, Sara.
awhhh thank you! I'll bring hot chocolate :o) x
Morning! Weather seems calm and sunny here in Berkshire but by the sounds of it, that won't last long!
Morning all, quite nice here at the moment but terrible wind and rain during the night, luckily no damage but the guy down the street has had about ten yards of fence flattened and there are several T.V aerials down.
Very windy here in North Wales but a great side effect is its moved all the leaves which had accumulated near my door (They were about 2 feet deep!) bad thing was someone (naming no names but inly me and the OH live here) left the window open in the kitchen and bathroom and they both blew open in the middle of the night so at 3.30am I was wandering the house checking windows. Sun is shining now though.

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Good morning early birds!

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