My son has bought a car which has been on a SORN.
The car's previous owner's son has just got it MOT'd.
My son would like to pick it up and drive it home tomorrow.
It hasn't got tax yet. He will phone the insurance company to insure it tomorrow. But he needs the insurance document to tax it, doesn't he?
Can insurance companies email the insurance policy? And can he get tax for the car on the same day ( he hasn't got one of those letters from the DVLA with the prices and instructions on ) So is it ok to go into the post office and ask to tax a car and give them the reg. number? Is this at all possible to do everything on the same day? Is it possible to drive the car without the tax disc? Any help most welcome.
Hi Notafish,
If you can't get the car taxed tomorrow and your son really wants the car back home then you could contact a local garage to collect the car on a trailer or flatbed and deliver it to you. It won't cost too much if it's local and you must have somewhere to keep the car off-road until it is legal. It's just an option if you want the car back home with you before making it legal.
Thanks very much Andyvon. The car is safe where it is though. We've decided to pick it up 1st Dec because we want to tax it then instead, I didn't realise that we would have to tax back to beginning of Nov if we taxed it now. Was just wondering if we need a V10 AND a V11. Thanks again everyone.