Perpetual motion in The AnswerBank: Science
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Perpetual motion

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Booldawg | 14:14 Tue 08th Nov 2011 | Science
15 Answers
If you were to strap a piece of buttered toast to a cats back and drop it out of a window, would it spin in perpetual motion due to the 2 theories that toast always lands buttered side down and a cat always lands on its feet?
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Yes it would, right up to the moment when it hit the ground.
Ahh! But which side up, Mark?
That would depend on the height of the fall, the speed of rotation and the combined weight of the cat and the slice of buttered toast.
Obviously it would end up on its side cat and toast, thus disproving both.
I suspect a cat will force it's will over a slice of toast.

The toast only has free reign to spin freely when not strapped to a cat, or anything else.
Put it in the same box as Schrodinger's cat then we are all correct. (sort of)
Both theories are fiction so the cat will land on its tail impaling it into the ground forever and a toast-tree will eventually grow there.
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It would only work if you pushed the cat off a table. The correct height for the toast to make one half rotation. Then I think the world would implode or something.
Perhaps CERN will set up a multi zillion euro to discover the Moggs Toasticle
sorry - insert "experiment" as appropriate
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good idea ven -at least it'll be more interesting than Schrodingers cat.
Cats hate anything stuck to them so the cat would eat the toast and then land on its feet
Enough theorising. This question can only be answered by a practical experiment.

I'll report back with the results tomorrow.
yes, just go on spinning, I expect


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