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Mornin' My Little Darlin's

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moonraker558 | 06:09 Wed 30th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
55 Answers
Just another hour to go then I will be off work for 12 day's. Happy day's, no list as yet.


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Time to get the day kick started. Have a happy day everyone. xxxxx

Morning beejay! :o}
Hi wbm. nice to 'see' ya a's things?.same here, not a cloud in sight...bit windy still.

Ahhhhgh Albs..I hate those minus'sssssessssss. xx
Have a good 'un Boaty xx to do some swift kicking all over the place. =)

Have a happy day everyone. N.xx
Morning all,quite a nice morning here in Notts, nothing special planned at the moment, but Trish was on about visiting her sister, so it might be a trip out later.
Morning Moony - before you start on at me - I was on late shift, ok? 12 days off - in this weather, rather you than me pal. Hope you keep occupied, don't want you becoming lethargic ;) Morning to everyone else - hope your day goes well.
Morning Paddy and ttfn

What time do you call this for checking in??!!!

Could we get a list started for Moonie?
I call it 5 hrs since my last posting, alba ;) Are you the new Shepherd's litttle helper? lol xx
Most important things first Alba, I'm up and about at about 06.00 then It's out with Max for our morning walk, which is usually a slow stroll now a days being as we're a pair of aging gentlemen, then breakfast before I start thinking of anything else
Morning all. Can't stop. Have to do some tidying up this morning. Got another viewing.
oh lawdy no way ttfn :)

Excuses excuses Paddy x You're as young as you feel, what was for brekkie btw? You didn't invite ttfn and I :D
paddy - reminds me of my dog-ownership days and sounds wonderful, apart from having to dry 12½ stone of dripping wet fur on rainy days before leaving his lordship on the sofa when I had to go to work :) alba - help yourself to my brekky - I already do the coffee, meds and cigs - couldn't find room for food after all that!
tt, The amount of meds Mr Alba takes of an evening should be his dinner.

It's not fun, but a SOH does help :)
Cheers, alba, I will try and cultivate one asap ;)
Those blooming pills keep us alive don't they.

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