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Feeling a tad down this afternoon

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albaqwerty | 16:36 Fri 02nd Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
and knowing that others have it much worse, I feel flipping guilty.

There's no rhyme nor reason ohter than the blooming pain in the leg is pulsating away big style.

Thanks for letting me moan x


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It's good being old.................and since the change I've never needed a winter weight duvet.
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Fluffy, whether it's the first couple of days or not, it's still urgh to go through.

Re 'ouch', yep, ever so slightly :)
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oi crafty-one, I be young :) Honest.

I do chortle when Mr Alba says 'oh, it's cold in here' and I've got moisture poring out from ALMOST every pore :)
"I do chortle when Mr Alba says 'oh, it's cold in here' and I've got moisture poring out from ALMOST every pore :) "

lol, nice!!!

Love you really...well, sort of, well ok, at a distance if you're a bit on the soggy side.
Well if life expectancy is about 84 you must be middle-aged at 42 ergo I'm old at 63.
Just to cheer you up, when I was talking to the doc about my pain they insisted pain killers worked ok for muscular pain but insisted nerve pain one had to put up with :-( As I recall I even tried a TENS machine, but wasn't impressed. When mine comes I just hit it. It seems to swamp the original pain and give temporary relief.
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I was offered a TENS machine when I was in labour. I think they should have given it to Mr Alba 9 months prior.

I was asked my age a few weeks ago, and said I was 49. (I'm not, I'm 48)

Blues have gone, B00 is here.

You are all so nice, thank you kindly each and everyone xxxxxx
Oh alba...sorry to hear that, sweetie.....put your pins up, bowl of warm water with a bit of radox to soak 'em of vino...cheese, crackers and pickle ......remote control and watch some Chuckle Brothers.......always cheers me up. :0)

Moan all you like.....thats what we're here for, my lovely.......Feel better, gorgeous :0) xxxx

Gissa sloppy kiss, missus....mmmmmwah X ( pssst...On the QT with Mr Alba )
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Hi yogi, all is on the QT with Mr Alba, although I did mention our date to specasvers :)

Oh for pity's sake you know what I mean.

I really am so cheered up now, the pain is still there however, hey ho.

Would you like to know my respone to my GP when he asked if I had any 'other discomfort in the groin area?'
I hope the tad doesn't mind.
Dread to think, sweetheart :0)

Of course our date is still on....cant be said I dont know how to show a lady a good time. :)

I hope your pain eases away, alba......and get fully fit soon, you lovely speciman of womanhood. :0) xxx
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Ed, the tad has the biggest grin on its face :)

I must tootle for now, got to kid on with preparing food, oh the joys

Once again, many thanks for cheering me up big style. Decent AB'ers never let anyone down. xxxxxxxxxxx
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Albs, if you need a rub down with an oily rag I'm yer man.
Hope you're feeling better soon. X x

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