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sherrardk | 14:44 Fri 02nd Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
Missed the postman and have a card saying I have a signed for letter to get. I can't decide if I should go and get it (and drive across the city in Friday rush hour traffic) or wait until tomorrow (but then I will spend all night worrying about it). What would you do?


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I get cards pushed through the letter box saying "Sorry we missed you" while I'm actually standing there. Postmen these days are too lazy to ring the bell - easier to make me drive 2 miles to collect it than bring it themselves.
We have a lovely regular postie lady jno. Her name is Di and she is brilliant. Leaves little notes saying where she has hidden parcels and comes very regularly about 8.00pm every morning. I think we get a better postal service out in the sticks.
you certainly do. I once had a DVD come special delivery, had to be signed for... but in fact it was delivered by a neighbour who found it lying in the gutter down the other end of the street. So how did the postie account for the total lack of signature when he got back to the office, then?

No mail yet today. When they dropped the second delivery, they actually dropped the first one; they come in the afternoon now.
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Consider myself lucky. Even the relief posties are reliable.
go and get it, our post has a mind of it's own, tends to go walkabout.
Doesn't it say wait 24 hours? Its on the van and gos back to sorting.
I've just had an email from Ups telling me they're having trouble delivering a parcel to me, don't know why, there's someone home all day.

or could it just be a scam?
how would UPS have your email, Baldric? Sounds suspicious to me.
Lottie, that meant "after 5 hours" not after 5 pm - ours always say that, gives the postie time to get back to the sorting office :-)
As I mentioned earlier, I today received a scam email from DHL. I nearly fell for it as I was awaiting several parcels.
I've had that Missed You exprience from TNT, which is a pain, as I then have to get it delivered to work and lug it home.

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