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How do you laugh?

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NoMercy | 11:37 Mon 05th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Do you laugh loudly, quietly, like Muttley, or do you laugh with a high pitched scream.

Do you snort or make other strange noises when you laugh?

I have a colleague who laughs like Muttley and then snorts. Once she starts, we all start laughing, even if we don't know what we're laughing at...

Laugh and the world laughs with you... :-)


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a filthy laugh apparently
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That doesn't surprise me. ;-)
Talking of filthy laughs I was at a pedestrian crossing at Knightsbridge many moons ago and heard the filthiest laugh I looked round and upwards and I was gobsmacked It was the late POW with a couple of her friends heading for Harvey Nicks The demure Shy act never rang true after that
I laugh like all of the above, I tend to always need a tissue as well (for the flying mucus)
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Lol Cazzz. That just made me chuckle.

Rowan... I bet you wish you'd had your camcorder... ?
Reckon it would be a hit on you tube... but I think the security guy with her might have stopped me
I've been told I've got a right dirty chuckle.

Was going to ask who the POW was, but then I twigged. yippee, brain cell has done it's work for the day.
My laugh was described by a comedian as '... not a sound you want to hear at night when alone in a haunted house...' I was laughing too much to be insulted unfortunatly.
Why is that less surprising than the idea of Fluff having a filthy laugh now we know where Ed got the idea for the Halloween Mwahahaha from
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Was he trying to say you were scary, China?
Nooo... more manic, serial killing ghost of a dead witch I think.
oooh post a video so we can all hear it...
I think there's a video in animals and nature in which I both speak and laugh Rowan, it scared Jack as I apparently sound like her... so I'll answer for her and say Jack laughs like 'manic, serial killing ghost of a dead witch'... It's nice to be helpful.
I think it depends where I am. At home with my mother and sister, it will be full on hysterics at the slightest thing where we all end up crying and too weak to move. In less appropriate circumstances I have been known to laugh really quietly until tears run down my face and an involuntary snort escapes.
More silly girly giggle I'd say, I tend to laugh quite quietly though I tend to end up shaking and tears coming out of my eyes then and end up looking like a panda as I've never been able to find a mascara/eyeliner that is me proof.
^ very pantomime snags.

Mine is more of a hahahahaaaa laugh, with emphasis on the haaaa. No snorting but goes from hahahahaaaa to breathless hysterics at the mere sight of Johnny Vegas.

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