Fair enough, AOG- let's say car tax then or you need to pay for an unexpected boiler repair.
I don't believe in over-regulating when there may be an unintended consequence of driving more people to loan sharks but I must admit I'm not sure on this issue as to whether Payday loans etc are just meeting a need that is there (and is thereby keeping people away from loan sharks) or whether they are creating a demand that wouldn't otherwise be there (by convincing people they can buy something they couldn't otherwise afford).
I think there is a bit of both here and I am concerned about those who start off with a short loan just to tide them over, then find they can't pay it back on time so take out another loan, and so on.
As for putting a cap on rents, I can't see how it would work. Would it be so much per square metre? Would it vary by quality of the room? Or the location?
And where would government involvement stop? The cost of a car, the price of bananas, the cost of a haircut? I hate to think how many public servants we'd need to employ to draw up the rules and go round checking prices, room sizes etc