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TWR | 19:27 Sat 10th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Are you? what makes you? how do you handle it?


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Drink makes me emotional. I handle it by having another one. It's then a vicious circle of emotion.
Generally speaking, reasonably level - but I can cry easily if I'm sad, and sad and tired is a bad combination. I'm better now at losing my temper if things are going badly wrong - better at doing it, I mean, rather than just letting the thing happen.
I was just thinking about this last night actually. I tend to keep my emotions to myself. People say that you shouldn't bottle things up hut that's how I handle things. I don't like talking to other people about the way I feel and I doubt that will ever change. I don't really cry either. I actually can't remember the last time I cried.
I very rarely lose my temper but when I do, you wouldn't want to be there.
I am at the moment.
Emotions? what are these strange things you talk of?
I'm sometimes 'overcome' by some of the posts on here............
I'm emotional when I think about people who are no longer with us, especially at this time of year. The best thing I find is to have a good cry about it and stick with it until it passes.
No, not particularly.

Nothing particularly makes me emotional, althought masterchef on thursday gave me a big smile.

Generally don't fight them if I am emotional, it's just a moment in time.
it takes sometimes very little to make me emotional, like if i hear my mums music on the tv or radio i break down. Other wise it when i hit that pressure point where i hit melt down point then i cry in a heap on the floor.
Are you okay, Ummmm?
I'm fine...just hormonal :-)

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