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What simple thing do you find annoying

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jamesnan | 10:42 Sun 11th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
I am always annoyed when there is something hanging on the back of a door, which means that the door does not open properly and you have to squeeze through.
What do you find annoying?


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OH leaving used cups and plates on the worktop instead of putting them in the dishwasher underneath.
People using my staircase post as a coat hanger...GRRRR....and...not hanging up hand towel on holder in bathroom...and..leaving t bags with spoon in soggy heap on counter...and...depositing things on my ceramic hob..and...NOT LISTENING...and...and ...and...
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Oh, I agree with so many of these as well!!!
I find it quite annoying that a lot of little things annoy me but when I'm asked a question like this I can't actually remember any of them. Yes, that is quite annoying.
too much sauce in HP beans!
No-one's mentioned the loo seat......;-)

I'm not easily annoyed, but I do draw a line at using things for the wrong purpose. eg opening a tin of paint with a kitchen knife, stiring it with a screwdriver and placing it on a tea towel to prevent it from dripping on the carpet. In the shed, where the apint came from, we have all manner of things like which would have done the job!
Posters who use capital letters ... ;)
OH leaving lids loose on milk and other things, so they go flying when i pick them up. Our broken door hinges not allowing doors to be shut properly. Our landlady using the phrase-its historical. Mothers who ignore there children when there is something obviously wrong (i was sat on the floor in iceland with my poorly toddler, i dont give a dam what others think) music played loudly on busses. young kids swearing. litter bugs loads!!!
Will you all stop moaning!!!!! I was just getting into the comma/no comma debate. Unbelievable.
i hate it when people moan about hte toilet seat being left up and the toothpaste being squeezed from the middle. What is so superior about having it down? and squeezing tp from the end?
i also hate it when oh gets something out of a cupboard and leaves the door open ready to hit his head on later

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