In answer to the Ultra sonic detectors they are not reliant on pressure differences but on frequency differences, the principle behind this being doppler shift. The ultra sonic detectors will have a transmitter and a receiver, the transmitter will emit sound waves in the ultra sonic range >20kHz typically 40 kHz, the receiver will receive these sound waves at 40 kHz when nothing is moving. When something moves within the detection space (i.e. the car's cabin) the frequency of the received ultra sonic wave will alter (either higher or lower that 40kHz) just listen to a Police car's siren as it approaches you and moves away from you, the sound will alter, same priciples apply in the detector. The movement will alter the frequency of the reflected sound the receiver will detect that the sound frequency is different ( I won't go into that here) and then applies a negative (to ground) pulse to the alarm unit that then screams for someone's attention, it may be true that heat can cause the alarms to sound but this is mainly due to the expansion and contraction of the materials that make up a car's interior, but considering how sensitive the ultra sonics are to these tiny variations I have my doubts, I belive that most ultra sonic false alarms are caused by air movement within the cabin caused by open windows and/or air movement through the cars ventilation system.