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sandymack | 19:46 Sun 11th Dec 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
cookery of the highest standard 6 and 4 ?????? ???U

obvious clear 11 letters

Jaspanese motor manufacturer 6 letters

Thanks so much!!!!


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^ oops - Bleu - I ws thinking of Gordon Blue!
19:48 Sun 11th Dec 2011
1 Cordon Blue
cordon bleu
3 datsun? Hyundi?
Cordon Bleu
2 selfevident?

Have you got any letters for 2 and 3? it helps our thinking!
^ oops - Bleu - I ws thinking of Gordon Blue!
I think the answer to Japanese motor manufacturers is: Subaru.
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Thanks folks!!!!!
7d is Subaru
10a Underwear
12a Aerosol
Do Nissan still exist?

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