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Night night song from Mamya♥

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Mamyalynne | 00:26 Mon 12th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
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Night Ena ♥
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His voice is so gorgeous Mark. I could post T.Rex all night but i'm going to tear myself away :-)

Leona Lewis ruined this song last night :-( It makes me sad.

Here's a question for Erin only.

Which band's lead singer did Marc describe as "nearly as pretty as me" when they guested on his TV show in the 70s?
Ooooh I have no idea.. Emmm.. Nope :|
I appreciate that you weren't born when the show was broadcast, so I'll give you a clue: Jacqueline Susann
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Anyway, here's the answer...
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Hey you never threw it open, I knew that
Ah! The clue confused me! I knew I recognised the name.. Too late for me! Haha :-)

I'm off to bed.. I started with Damien so I shall end with him also :-) my favourite from him. Sweet dreams xxx

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Night Erin
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Goodnight xxx
...gripped round my throat as I dream...
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The last fuse blew
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Night Mark xxx

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Night night song from Mamya♥

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