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firewatch | 18:20 Mon 12th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
i can honestly say you dont know who you can count on in a crisis twice today my husbands mate has popped over to rescue me and the bike. first to pick up a rather heavy bike and the second just now to sort my pilot light as the wind had blown it out. hes told me to check it in these high winds at least once a day. phew hes a trooper!


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na his names terry lol and fab tastic!
You know each other?!
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whos jim??????
Great to have mates like that firewatch - well done Terry.
Good to hear of helpful people
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lol he likes to make sure we are ok when my OH is at work, I guess its him getting some brownie points before my hubbys dresses as an elf to his santa!
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lol its for charity! basically they work in an area where community relations really count, so they have agreed to be santa and his rather tall elf lol

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