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How to Cook a Turkey

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Sammy48 | 20:46 Tue 13th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
First buy the turkey and a bottle of vodka. Pour yourself a glass of vodka and put the turkey in the oven. Take another 2 drinks of vodka and set the oven at 375. Have 3 more vodkas and turn the oven on. Take 4 vods of drinky and turk the bastey. Stick a turkey in the thermometer and glass yourself a pour of vodka. Bake the vodka for 4 hours, take the oven out of the turkey and floor the turkey up off the pick. Pour yourself another glass of turkey. Now just tet the sable & turk the carvey!


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You forgot the "kill turkey" part.
I think i may have eaten at your place once. raw potaoes, blood oozing from the chicken on the plate, cabbage with caterpillers, beef hiding behind an oxo cube, but after a several vodkas, who gives a poo.
You are making me homesick old wos is name

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