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Its here! The big Christmas unexpected expense!

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Booldawg | 09:48 Wed 14th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
I always maintain the fact that something unexpectedly expensive happens in December - every year without fail!

This year it the dog. Came back from in-laws with fleas. Got some Bob Martins from Tescos that appeared to work but didnt. This caused a secondary skin complaint. I left the vets with cream,pills, shampoo and one of those cone collars (which he's taken to very well!). 112 quid lighter :-(


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Fridge Freezer broke after I had done the christmas shopping :-(
That's crap Booldawg, our unexpected expense always comes on March, along with snout 6 birthdays!
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nightmare Dave - hope you got the food stowed away elsewhere in time.

That was our BCUE from 2 years ago - fridge broke. Year before that was front door jammed locked - new lock and locksmith!
Yes had mine yesterday as well, involved paying off someone else's debt:( not amused.
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lol rocky - whats snout 6 birthdays?
Hope you're going to get paid back Nox.
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lol space. Thats one thing that has turned out well. Someone at work does regular beer runs to Germany and got me a crate of Warsteiner - 20 pint bottles for 11 quid!
S-C, the title says "unexpected", not run-of-the-mill.
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Lol snout should be about.
Booldawg by the time you have paid the cost of getting to and from Germany the beer is no cheaper than UK supermarket special offers. Yes I know you could not get that brand though.
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yep, will get the euros back on the crate. someone here goes out there for business so we get them at cost. Thats under a quid a bottle - I've seen the same beer in Sainsbo's for 1.75.

I normally get Dortmunder or Bitberger. He also picked up 6 bottles of Dunkelweiss for me.
Yes - stupid exhaust blowing on the car ........GRRR what good timing!
30 years ago my mother died 2 days before Christmas, she was fit and healthy as any 75yr old and we all thought she'd go on forever, the funeral was the most unexpected and unwanted expense anybody ever got for Christmas.
ceiling in back bedroom down along with gallons of water !!!!need new...EVERYTHING !!!

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