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British comedy awards.

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Teddy_boy | 22:53 Fri 16th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Vic reeves and bob mortimer. How are they funny?


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No flipping way, I can't even raise a smirk for them.
They are just silly.... they make me laugh but i'm quite easily amused. Vic Reeves gives my Mum the heebie jeebies.... she says it's the bingo advert that does it.
if they are the best ''comedy'' acts we can muster up then ill never laugh at british comedy acts ever cant beat the old acts can you??
They have their moments.
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They cetainly dont amuse me. Miranda hart however is an amazonian comedic genius.And rather sexy .
Love Miranda, and the geordie girl.
Oh no... I can't stand Miranda... Sarah Millican is good though :)
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Miranda could iron my bedsheets any night.

Very poor! (see what I did there...?)
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Sarah is a bit dour for my liking.
Thats what I cant figure ,So called deadpan comics tell jokes and amusing stories and just look stern .Are they saying to the public this is really funny stuff but It does not make me laugh. Got news for them its not funny at all .
Little kids think that 'being silly' is the same as 'being funny'. As we grow older we tend to be more selective about what we find funny. However some 'plain silliness' continues to amuse many people.

For example, the Goons and the Monty Python team both relied heavily upon the assumption that people would equate silliness with funniness. At their best ("What time is it, Eccles?" and the Dead Parrot sketch, for example) they were brilliant but only because of the structure which was built into those sketches.

Unfortunately there are 'comedians' (e.g. Reeves & Mortimer) who, like five-year-olds, continue to think that unstructured silliness is funny. The fact that they win awards indicates that some of their audience must agree.

Miranda Hart?
Well, she's a passable stand-up comedian but she's got no acting ability whatsoever. Whoever it is who puts people like her and Lee Mack into sitcoms (where the roles could be filled a zillion times better by a properly trained actor) should lose their job!
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Tb has obviously never heard of political correctness!

Many women in the acting profession will tell you that they're definitely 'actors', as they regard the use of the word 'actress' as sexism. Similarly many (allegedly) funny women will tell you that they're 'comedians', not 'comediennes', for the same reason.
Miranda Hart, though, isn't any of the above...
I love Miranda Hart. I think she's brilliant.

I only caught the awards half way through and when I did start watching it I wondered what was going on with Vic Reeves's teeth. Please tell me they were comedy teeth!?
Can't stand Reeves & Mortimer, I think Reeves is creepy !

BUT Miranda Hart is brilliant - roll on another series Miranda !
'Miranda hart however is an amazonian comedic genius.And rather sexy'

Specsavers Teddy boy?

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British comedy awards.

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