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Don't you just LOVE nativity plays!

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Ann | 00:07 Mon 19th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Guaranteed to make you LOL ...... bet her mothers face was red!


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My friend posted this on Facebook, excellent isn't it?
Hi Ann, the angel in the middle with the gold tinsel round his head is my minister, Kenny Stott, of Dundee. Apparently the wee lass's mother told her to sing loudly!
needs shooting
lol, little devil ;o)
Makes me remember a nativity play I saw many years ago.
It got to the bit where Mary and Joseph get to the Inn and the lnnkeeper tells them there is no room.
The child playing the Innkeeper had a grudge against the boy playing Joseph, Mary and Joseph knock on the door and ask if they can come in, the Innkeeper was suppose to tell them there was no room, but the boy says ''You can come in Mary but Joseph can f*ck off ''
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Hi maggie - been there, done that! Was a Sunday school teacher for over 30 years! Funniest line I can remember was a nativity play rehearsal (thank goodness it was!) our Sunday School Superintendent narrating from the wings "Enter Angel Gabriel...." No Angel appeared! Again he prompted even louder "ENTER ANGEL GABRIEL" Everyone waited with bated breath, all looking round .... "GA-BRI-EL" he shouted impatiently. Just then a little scruffy lad with a runny nose poked his face round the curtain "Please Mr P - Gabriel aint coming tonight she's gorra cold!" We couldn't stop laughing for ages and have told this story over the years!
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Did you also laugh at the bit where they were walking on (at 00.10) little devil angel whacks the little boy following her in his face with her wings and he says "Ow"
Just love nativity plays Ann. Never watched one yet where everything went according to plan - that's the beauty of them.
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I helped out at a Primary school too several years ago - in the Reception class play two little boys were in a camels costume , and just as they came galloping on the stage, the little one in the back of the costume shouted out very loudly to his teacher "Craig keeps 'itting me in my face with 'is bum! Ow Gerroff!" It was a wonderful moment captured on many a video!
On Thursday Trish and myself went to visit her niece and after a while we were treated to a video of her four year old daughters nativity play with daughter Jessica playing Mary, everything went perfectly until the scene when the narrator announced that "Mary laid the the baby Jesus gently in a manger" when Jess stood up and threw the baby into the manger from about four feet after a split seconds stunned silence the hall erupted into laughter. It turned out to be the high point of the play. You can't help but love kids of that age they are so natural.
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On Songs of Praise a couple of weeks ago the same thing happened! Mary dropped the baby Jesus into the manger from a great height! Aren't they wonderful - there should be a TV programme where all the funny clips are collected together, like Game for a Laugh.

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Don't you just LOVE nativity plays!

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