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This week I will be mostly

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EvianBaby | 10:12 Mon 19th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Hiding under my desk and not answering the phone.

You know when you go out for a works Christmas do, decide it's a good idea to drink an array of alcoholic drinks, get absolutely off your face and make yourself look a knob in front of everyone you work with???

Oh...... just me then.


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NO NOT just you !! ha ha..hell mend ya !...LOL
Oh dear, what did you do? I usually step into Saturday Night Fever when I've had a few too many, not pretty!
I drank a lot on my works night out too.. Never got drunk though, it just wasn't happening :|

I'm sure other people were just as bad, if not worse!!... Don't worry about it :-) x
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That's the problem. I can't actually remember. I don't think I have ever been that drunk before.

I keep having little flashbacks. I don't think I did anything bad - according to the two people who called me on Saturday to check I was still alive - but I know I was off the scale of embarrassing.
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"I don't think I did anything bad -"

You don't want to see the pictures on the wall in the gents!
I think most of us have been in this position!! Lol.

Don't worry about it, they will soon find something else to talk about.
been there done will survive...its only a year til its someone elses turn
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Unfortunately it was me last year too. Think I'll 'be ill' for next years party.

Thankfully I've been on my own in the office today and nobody has called me yet. Lets hope it stays that way.
Bleugh... That's exactly why I don't drink at work do's... tis just not worth the hangover. Never mind, it will be forgotten soon enough I dare say.
oh dear..... I think you might be best advised to book a day off next year..
have you looked for documentation of the party on YouTube?
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Lol, I do actually keep checking the others facebook pages just to make sure nothing appears. I know there were cameras around, I just don't know what's on them.
EB, they were probably doing exactly the same and won't remember any of it.
When I first went to work I did exactly that, then spent the most tortuous weekend worried about Monday,when nothing was mentioned, then or ever.

Since then I have made it a rule to never, ever get drunk with workmates
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Here's hoping Maggie!

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