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To those who have been bereaved this year

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albaqwerty | 16:22 Wed 21st Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Laughter is not a dis-respectful sign. It springs up on you when you least expect it. You and your loved one laughed closely together and apart.

Smiling is not dis-respectful, it's that little act of kindness that you had forogtten about.

Crying is not dis-respectful, it's a sign of absolute respect.

I hope 2012 will be an easier year for each of you xx


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alba, what a lovely sentiment .
i was sometime back, but lovely words, thank you.
Thank you alba. I will be doing my best to smile and laugh but know I will be having a cry as well. xx
Jan, me too, wish Waterboatman well too.
My thoughts will be with Chrissa, Welshyorkie and Waterboatman as well, and anyone else who has lost someone this year, or recently.
thats a nice post x
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Thats a lovely thought on your part alba!
I lost my lovely nephew in may, and my lovely brother in sept. havent really felt like a good belly laugh since really. I feel for everone on here who have been in the same or similiar position. Ah, bless ya all x
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I normally cannot post sensibly, but those words do come from my heart to each of you xx
I can sense that your post did come from your heart alba. bless ya x
Well done alba
thank you alba. lovely thought.
Thanks for that alba I lost my lovely Dad in July,it will be a sad Christmas without him.
That is a lovely thought, I wish well to all those who are grieving.
Lovely post, and one very appropriate to my family. Best wishes to you all for 2012.
Lost my mum in July. Dreading Christmas without her but appreciate your lovely sentiment Alba.

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To those who have been bereaved this year

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