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ayabrea38 | 12:19 Sat 19th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
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OH was taken into hospital with Necrotising Fasciitis and I just need someone to help me understand why this happened.He had been bed bound for a few weeks but as far as I could tell there where no open wounds where this happened(top of his left leg).
I'm sorry for posting this here but I am totally in bits and can just about hold it together to type this :-(((((.
I would be glad of any answers .
Thanks all


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Best of luck to you both : )
12:24 Sat 19th Feb 2011
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Hello everyone
Sorry for no updates for a bit,but I have been ill again and not had the energy to do anything(I am sure those stairs get the day)Anyway back on the potassium and at long last I have been put on hi energy drinks.I can feel them as soon as I have them,all these calories going in my body does not know whats hit it,but at least I am getting better,slowly but surly.
Mr A has turned into nurse A at the mo,he is looking after me and giving me what meds I need and when.He looks after me great what a star!
I cannot say much about the medium ones,they have both been a bit naughty,oh well
Love to you all
Kisses from Ayaville xxxx
Dear Aya

I do hope that you can regain some energy slowly but surely, NurseA sounds to be a credit to the profession.

Oh medium ones do have their phases, it does pass I promise LOL

Lots of Love

Hello Ayaville - sorry for long absence. Hope things are improving for you - if only slowly. I am just getting over a chest infection - more time off work. Good job I had my 'flu injection ;) Am staying at Big Sis's for tlc at the moment. I can cope with that quite well! No DIY this weekend whatsoever - I felt too rough to worry about it. But as with all things seem to be past the worst of it now so fingers crossed. Wish it is the same for you too Aya. Take care, Viv ♥
I wonder who is going to do post 6 6 6 ? ;)
Good job I am not superstitious, touch wood ;)
Oh Viv so sad to read you are laid low like that - sisters are doing it for themselves eh?? Wish you well soon.

Not forgetting all the Aya family, hope the quietness means a semblance of normality or as much as any family can, mine can make my hair stand on end at times.
Here we go , I am happy to take the 666, I live 500 yards from the Devil''s highway - the A666 so cross it a few times a week.

Night night

Gran Lynne xxx
ooft........................ i got lost looking for this wee corner. mamy, i missed your birthday, belated greetings ♥ ttfn, i did wonder where you were, another chest infection ? i really hope you are feeling better. aya, im sorry you are still having health problems, but im sure you know we always look forward to hearing from you, re the middle ayas................... trust me one day they will come out of their bedrooms and be " normal ", take care ( girls ) anne
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Hiya girls,
Things have been a bit rough here,I have had a funny turn,cannot remember it,but it had left me more weak,and incredibly I can eat again!I lost a few days where I was really ill,but Mr Aya knew how to treat me and that I would hate going into hossie.One day I sort of 'woke up' ie started making sense and remembering things and was hungry.Now I eat most of what is put in front of me,and best of all,cream cakes are back on the menu to build me up.
The Dr has at last given me high calorie drinks and still has me on the potassium.
Mr Aya is now like a bossy matron-caring and tough!Good at the job though,it includes chef as well and he made his first pie,it was yummy,congrats Mr Chef.
Get the results of my scan on Thursday,so I think my appetite will leave me then.
Who said you could be ill Viv?I will have to clone nurse A and send a e-version Mwahahaha!.
Right girls got to go,feeling rather tired after all this excitement.Great to catch up with you all
Speak soon-keep you up to date
Love and cuddles Aya and the gang-but be gentle!

Oh dear - another rough turn , not good however to read you are recovering from this setback is heartening to read. It certainly sounds like MatronA should be available nationwide. His love and care must spur you on, don't over think what the scan results will be yet, cope with them as and when.
A good appetite is a very good sign and long may it continue.

Thanks so much for keeping us all updated

Lots of love

Gran Lynne ♥
hi mrs a, i remembered you get your scan results today. i really hope they were good. please pop in when you can, take care anne.
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Hiya ladies and gents,
Thank you for remembering about the scan results,I don't mind telling you,when the main Dr came through the door I thought my time was up,but he had good news,compared to last year ,my pancreas was actually working better!!!!!It has shrivelled a bit but forgot to ask what that meant in tearms of me,but he kept saying it was better,thought my birthday had come early(It is next week,but I am not saying when cos it is one of those birthdays that women hate)
Mr A is still chief matron,I think he is getting into bossing me around too much!LOL
Medium ones have been a bit better,I probably threw them a bit being ill again,but now I cannot stop eating and have a lot to make up for - Mr A is good at supplying cream cakes (Shhhhhhh I should not of said they are mine!)
Hope you all enjoy fireworks night,it is supposed to be warm.Spare a thought for all who don't like 'em though.
Enjoy and look after yourselves
Love and hugs
Ayaville xxxx

Well that really sounds like good news and the doctor saying 'better' must have cheered you no end. An increased appetite is good too - I don't really do cakes so won't pinch any lol'

MatronA sounds a real diamond , just what you need, good on the mediums for behaving too.

Happy Birthday for next week - they are only numbers but still keep it secret if you wish hun.

Lots of love to all

Gran Lynne ♥

Wave to big bruv too xxxx
hi aya sorry to see you have been having a rough time of it again , glad your results were good , take care love to all ruth xx
Aya - wonderful that you have had such a good result - you must all be very relieved with that. Steady with those cream cakes though - not a recommended way to build up body weight and strength again ;) (so I understand ...) I do so hope that the well-being in Ayaville is maintained now for some coniderable time. It would be lovely to think that you can all return to a more normal family life.

I will pass on the fireworks, if it is all the same. Think I have been well and truly put off them by the reactions of so many of my pets over the years. Some of my neighbours had a party last night - fireworks were going off right over my roof and the howling cats were very noisy and very protracted. Their (rotten) music was blaring out at 1.30 a.m. still and becuse of the warm night the party-goers were outside in the garden. I lay in bed tossing and turning and thinking of getting dressed and going round there - hmmmmmm. I had an early start this morning so I was not impressed by their anti-social behaviour. We have had some heavy rain today and generally speaking it is much quieter tonight. I shall be at my sister's tomorrow - the village has an organised fireworks party but it does not go on for very long, nor does it start late. They tend to go to bed much earlier in the country ;)

It is really good to read an up-beat post from you Aya - please try and keep it up. With love to all, Viv ♥
well !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a bit of good news :)
Well, it has been a while now, everyone - hope all are doing fine and getting ready for the festive season. (Someone has been spreading rumours that it isn't that far away now - might have to take a peek at the calendar to find out just how close I am to hitting the panic button.) Take care, Viv ♥
It has gone very quiet here - I do hope that all is well in Ayaville. I send you my very best wishes for Christmas and for a wonderful New Year where everyone's health is on the up. Take care as always. Viv ♥

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