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Does it bother you when.....

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missprim | 22:56 Thu 22nd Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Someone comes on AB to ask about a problem that seems to be worrying them and lots of people write back asking to know more and offering support and that person doesn't come back again. Not always a problem but a question that they want the answer to and you never hear from them again.


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No, I understand that 'real' life can get in the way. can get the answer in 'real' life and forget you've even asked on here.
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Oh well, I think I'll go and get my ironing done :-)
I sometimes wonder if they are OK and have resolved their problem but try not to dwell on it.
It depends what the question is but it does annoy me sometimes if it's something I'm really interested in. But there are a lot of sites like this and I think people sign up on lots, ask a question once on them all and forget they ever did it.
Why doesn't answerbank email you when you get a reply any more?
Not with personal problems no. Sometimes people pour their heart out and then think better of it in the cold light of day.
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I never thought of that Evianbaby.
Lankeela - it will if you subscribe to a thread. I prefer it that way, I'd be forever deleting my inbox.
I always try to reply when Abers give advice, they are great!......but I suppose that sometimes folk don't have time, or forget!.......I don't get annoyed............
was it me? Sorry if it was i have a brain like a colanderx
If it is a very long question, or rant, I always look on the profile and if it is someone who has joined the same day and has only asked one question and avoided putting their gender on I don't bother to try to answer it because it is usually someone taking the mick, so to speak and not worth reading the question. If other people think the question is genuine they will answer it, but mostly it is a waste of time.
Actually I think I'm probably guilty of it too. I get bored of my own threads very quickly.
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No it wasn't you firewatch :-)
goodgood :)

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