Our kitchen's been invaded by ants and though we're doing our best to deter them by double-bagging and putting rubbish outside ASAP, they still come! Does anyone know of an effective way to stop them getting in, before they get in, if you know what I mean? I'm looking for a non-toxic solution if possible PS Can't see the nest anywhere near the house. Cheers!
You will usually be able to spot where they are getting in because ants normally follow a trail. Wash the area with soapy water. Then sprinkle one of the following around :- vinegar, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, salt or crushed mint leaves.
You might get some inspiration here - I can honestly say once my Mum had got rid of the initial infestation indoors, a line of borax by all the entrances - back and front door etc really did work.
You might also want to defend your kitchen against the flying ones (my personal least favourite.) It only took them a few hours: - I had just walked into our kitchen and it was a few seconds before I noticed that the walls, windows, ceiling, everywhere I looked was black with them! Not nice; I've heard that having those dangly ribbons or beads around door frames keeps the flying insects away. Alternatively, keep your doors closed. It gives me the creeps just thinking about it.
had ants in my living room; stripped the room clean of furniture, found a single Tictac mint on floor. removed, ants went after a day or two. So, however clean your kitchen, remove all tins, pans, etc til you find the sugary thing; no sugar = no ants. job done. :-)
whisky we found they actually were nesting in the wall, trekking across the floor and because we had a � bag of sugar [the jar was full] in the cupboard this was their food source. Sugar slung out [compost bin] the retreated after it. Sealant around all the gaps [use the builders chalk - for string lines - you can see where you need to go]. On the safe side we got the gel you put in a tiny plastic container. They take this bake to the nest which will slowly knock 'em dead. As for the flying ones gel one of those UV fly killers [one with a U shaped tube] and watch them Fry & Die [sounds like the title of an Arnie film!]