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not the joke section but meh

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firewatch | 16:04 Sat 24th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
How can you identify David Cameron's house on Christmas Eve? Parking meter on the roof.


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Not a joke but meh.....
you've been pulling your crackers a bit early?
Don't geddit?
I don't get that!
it's for the reindeer, folks
Sorry, don't understand it.
i also don't understand
Question Author
he has a parking metre for santas sleigh, saying that i wonder if he pays the congestion charge?
ok, get that bit (i think) but what's it got to do with David Cameron?
I would have thought Santa's sleigh was longer than a metre..........
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Now if you told me it was for the "Deer Leader" that may be more comprehensible
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no it was on the wurzles facebook page, she too just say egg to her and she starts to giggle!
^ I give up.
I hit my and then.
-- answer removed --

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not the joke section but meh

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