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fao: dtcrosswordfan

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lady-janine | 23:30 Sat 24th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
hi are you around this evening?
please reply.


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sounds really good all the way through. enjoy.
I love Tagines -spent my share of time in Maroc - great for meaty fish like sea bass, and then pigeon/chicken.....
You live on the Lizard? Lucky you - beautiful part of the country, we only get there on holiday occasionally as its a long drive from Leicestershire. Truro is a favourite town/city too and have been in the cathedral!
Mid Cornwall for me. (and not Newquay, the worst place in Cornwall)
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ann86 - glad to know you like it here and that you enjoy your holidays down here. i agree it does seem to be a long way from anywhere.

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