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Turkey day...

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boxtops | 17:54 Mon 26th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

A friend's just sent me this!


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I like it, very good.
Goodness me, the likeness is unbelievable. The Mrs O'B......

Sent that to a couple of friends, it wouldn't stop playing. lol.
DTc that link is forboden.
Question Author
Yes DT, forbidden for me too.
?? I wonder why
It was Michelle O'Bama with frizzed up hair.

It also got out of control when she saw the Queen......well you have to do a double take.
Question Author
Wow, that's good DT!!

(I didn't know BO has Irish blood though - O'Bama?)
Hi boxy
still laughing luv'd it!

local S M a C, bit north of you
Question Author
Gotcha, baldric. :-)
oops - but he claims several blood linkages, so why not......

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Turkey day...

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