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carlton23 | 10:08 Tue 27th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Perhaps as the Duke is coming out of hospital to-day Sqad will also be able to be discharged.


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Fingers crossed!
and everyone else who is in unfortunately in hospital, if that's how it works :o)
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I bet sqad won't come out in a helicopter.... mind you, he's still got to get back to Menorca, so he's got to be fit enough to stand the crossing :-)
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Let`s hope so. The D of E is "cured" though. Sqad still has to sort out his problem as his op was only partially successful. He might be there for a little while yet.
Didn't Sqad say he had to have a blood transfusion?
The D of E only had a Stent put in but I wouldn't say he's cured,respite for a while maybe. Some people have many Stents put in. when I was inthe Cardiac Care Unit in H there was someone having his 9th Stent put in.
Sqad had invasive heart surgery a whole different ball game. His aftercare is as important as the op.
Thoughts are with you Sqad GWS.

Don't think you can be "cured" of old age regardless of rank. We're all heading the same way.
Feel better this morning after 2 units of packed cells.........could be home on New Years Day.
Thanks again.
Good to see you still with us Sqad.
Oh, illusions shattered, I thought that Sqad was the Duck of Edinburgh...and Mrs Sqad, HRH the Queenie.

Glad to hear that you are feeling a tad better, Sqad. Keep bothering those nurses.
Good to hear from you Sqad and that you are feeling better. We hope you are home very soon :)
Yet another post ruined by thoughtless, sarky comments. There is no need.

Sqad you old goat, hope you continue to improve xx
Wotcher Sqad!

Very pleased to hear you're feeling better. Everything's crossed for your return home on New Year's Day. x

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