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Strange ideas

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EDDIE51 | 00:08 Tue 27th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
I wonder what strange ideas you have come across recently in other people ?
Today I overheard a girl in an off licence explaining to the shopkeeper that Vodka would not show up on a breath test !
I interrupted her to tell her she was talking absolute rubbish, she was convinced for some reason that Vodka had some special property that made it 'invisible' to a breathalyser. She was quite put out to be told her pet theory was wrong . What if any strange beliefs have you lot come across ?
I don't mean religious ones !by the way.


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If you spilt salt, you throw some over (I think it is your right shoulder) to prevent bad luck. If you get something in your eye, you can blow the opposite nostril while keeping that eye closed, and it will come out - Ha Ha.

Also breaking a mirrow - 7 years bad luck. My nan was full of them, but she was Irish - maybe thats why. She often used to say "Gor do's me" I never knew what it meant - does any one else know where it came from.

Poor old Nan, a wonderful person, and has been dead a good 30 years now, but her memory still lives on.
My mum once took my sister to the dr's to see if her long hair could be draining her of energy....
"A family down the road from us was convinced that net curtains stopped people seeing in at night as well as in daytime. I even got the eldest girl to stand outside in the road while I waved at her from her bedroom, but she still would not believe that people could see her getting undressed. "

Er, oh s**t!

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