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em1986 | 14:58 Tue 27th Dec 2011 | How it Works
12 Answers
i have an external hard-drive with a USB output. I want to connect this to my tv so i can watch videos on it rather than on my laptop. My tv only has the standard HDMI ports. Is there some kind of coupling device or adapter that could connect the two cables together? I don't want to pay over the odds for something and i don't need either of the cables, just a way of connecting the two together. PLEASE HELP! i've looked all over the net but i'm not very tech-minded. And everything i have seen are for something called mini-usb or are upwards of £60.
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Does your laptop have HDMI socket? If so you can get a cable with HDMI connector at both ends, so if you then connect up hard drive to laptop as well then I would think it should work. Ask at Curry's for confirmation

Curry's sell the HDMI leads for about £20, but I've also seen them in Aldi/Lidl for about £7.
Well, I'm no expert, but isn't there an obvious flaw here? Assuming such a cable could connect the two, your TV will not recognise it. And how is it powered - via USB or with it's own power? either way I cannot see it working.

As said, just by a HDMI lead - you can find various length leads in asda or online.
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no my laptop doesn't have a HDMI port, hence the problem.
If you list the display output port type(s) on your laptop – someone might be able to advise what you need to convert that to an HDMI signal.
Most laptops have an RGB "D" connector as do most modern TVs. That may be a solution.
Even if you can connect your external hard drive to your TV how are you going to "watch" the movies.

How will you get the TV to "find" the files on the hard disk and then "start" them so you watch the film.

You need the laptop to be able to find the files on the hard disk and begin the movie.
You will need to run the drive via the laptop (usb) and send the signal to the TV from the laptop vga port to the rca in sockets on the TV. Whatever you see on the laptop will show on the TV. (NOTE, some graphics card need to be 'set' to duo viewing and others disable the laptop screen automatically when a VGA is plugged in). Set the TV input to AV1, 2 or whatever.
You cannot connect a TV with a HDD USB connector to play anything direct from the HDD. The HDD is just a storage medium.
The USB connector is there to connect the drive to a PC .. only.
Sorry, I pointed you to the wrong item. Try this one and just disregard the S-video lead. User Recommendation
Au contraire Albags. My TV will play straight from a HHD, flash drive, ipod, ipad, Mobile or whatever. It will even show photos on any camera card. Most late model TVs will.
Agree with wildwood, just bought a Logik 22" tv for the bedroom and i can plug my external hard drive in and just use the remote to select them, but i also use my ps3 to play them, plug in the external hard drive and select the move or music etc.

You guys are correct yes .. My Plasma can do too with external media.
But .. The TV HAS to have a File Browser .. AND support the format/type of drive. The TV plays the media .. not the other way around.
In many cases, the storage has to be formatted as FAT32 .. rather than the common (now) NTFS. So one has to be careful they do not end up with a drive that is only much good as TV storage.

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