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Atheist Minister - silly or what?

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rojash | 21:19 Thu 22nd Dec 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
17 Answers
Just watched 4Thought after the Channel 4 news, and there was a guy claiming to be an ordained minister of the First Church of Atheism.

This just seems plain silly to me. What you think?


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I may be wrong but I thought Atheists had no dealings with churches or ordained ministers of religion, and that atheism is not a religion. They'll be telling us next they have a Atheist Book of non-worship and non-worship on Sundays. Twenty quid in the offertory box or you are out of the clique.
Here you are , you can be a Minister of the first church of Atheism for free !
Tut, tut, the very Minister/Archbishop is here in your own very AB Church, The Church of The Apotheosis of the Ab venator
Seems odd to me - I always understood atheism to be the absence of a belief, so how can you have a 'church' of an absence of a faith? Ludicrous!
Just in case you are thinking of trying it , this is only legal in thr USA.
They ask for donations to raise $900,000 to buy a Church , so far they have raised $62 , a bit of fundraising to do then ?
It is plainly an attempt by a bunch of atheists to lay claim to the tax breaks and privileges enjoyed by 'churches'. They are just using churchy nomenclature to meet the legal requirements.
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they are just trying to be controversial... and generate publicity... haha
hahah i am an ordained minister!! woohoo!!
Steve's right. Someone's out to make money.
do atheists sing the monkee 's song
I could - but you wouldn't like it. :o)
even atheism has its share of conceited deluded idiots.
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R&S here in AB land might prove a fertile recruiting ground.
I'm sure that all atheists visiting this post will be absolutely devastated by this revelation. (or mildly amused)

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Atheist Minister - silly or what?

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